10 Reasons why SSPM is Vital for SaaS

Why SSPM is Vital for SaaS

With benefits including enhanced functionality, rich customisation options, and high compatibility with other applications, it’s no surprise that vast numbers of companies have adopted SaaS (software-as-a-service) applications. Subsequently, research shows that around 70% of applications organisations use are SaaS, which is set to rise to 85% by 2025.  However, organisations must overcome the challenges of hosting their data and applications … Read More

9 Ways to Leverage Cyber Threat Intelligence

9 Ways to Leverage Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cyber threat intelligence is data that is collected, analysed, and processed to understand a malicious actor’s attack behaviours, motives, and targets. Cyber threat intelligence allows IT security specialists to make quicker, more informed cybersecurity decisions and changes the response from reactive to proactive in the fight against cybercrime.  Why is Cyber Threat Intelligence Important?      In the ever evolving digital world, threat … Read More

How to Build a Third Party Risk Management Strategy

How to Build a Third Party Risk Management Strategy

The best way to manage third-party cyber risks is through effective third-party risk management (TPRM). TPRM focuses on identifying and reducing third-party risks from vendors, partners, suppliers, contractors, or service providers.  Third-party risk management gives organisations of any size a thorough understanding of how third parties are used and what safeguards they have in place. TPRM programs are dependent on … Read More

10 Effective IT Security Risk Assessment Tactics

10 Effective IT Security Risk Assessment Tactics

IT security risk assessments are key to identifying threats facing an organisation’s data, information systems, and networks, and assessing the possible consequences should any adverse events take place. IT security risk assessments must be conducted on an annual or bi-annual basis or upon any major changes occurring within an organisation, such as mergers and acquisitions, business re-organisation, new technology added to company … Read More

The Impact of AI on Cybersecurity Management

The Impact of AI on Cybersecurity Management

Cybersecurity management is used by governments, organisations, and businesses all around the world to secure and protect sensitive data from malicious actors. Cybersecurity management encapsulates everything associated with protecting an organisation’s systems and computer networks from cyberattacks, threats, intrusions, malware, and any other type of data breach.   And, as the methods of attack become more sophisticated in nature, not only … Read More

Cybersecurity Risk Management for Startups

Cybersecurity Risk Management for Startups

Cybersecurity risk management is the process of identifying an organisation’s digital assets. Not only does the process provide an overview of existing security measures but also delivers solutions to mitigate risks that could threaten a business. Cybersecurity risk management is especially important for startups because it assesses the organisation’s cybersecurity risk profile early on to ensure assets are protected from … Read More

What Can Malicious Code Do?

What can malicious code do

With there are thought to be over a billion strains of malicious code in existence – and over 500,000 new forms detected every day, companies must make protection against malicious code a top priority. However, strategies for mitigating the effects of malicious code have to constantly evolve to combat their growing variety and the ever-increasing damage they can cause.      So, … Read More

Malware Viruses: How to Detect a Virus?

Malware Viruses: How to Detect a Virus

Malware viruses are one of the most pervasive cyber threats organisations and individuals face. So much so, that malware viruses are one of the first things to come to mind when most people think about cyber attacks in general.  In this post, we take a look at malware viruses, the various symptoms of malware, and how to know if your … Read More

What You Need to Know About Signature-based Malware Detection

What is Signature based Malware Detection

Malware detection calls for the use of tools and techniques to identify, alert, block and respond to malware threats, such as downloading a malicious code. Basic malware detection methods can help identify and restrict known threats while advanced malware detection tools use machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to seek out and identify new and unknown threats.  Signature-based detection is … Read More