Get a Personalised Demo

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Get a personalised demo to gain visibility into your cyber risk score, along with that of up to three of your chosen third-party suppliers. Get swift and continuous insights into your attack surface and communicate this information with ease, directly to key resources in your organisation.

Understand how you and your third-party suppliers stack up against peers and assess how quickly new suppliers can be validated from a cybersecurity maturity perspective.

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Get a Personalised Demo

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Get a personalised demo to gain visibility into your cyber risk score, along with that of up to three of your chosen third-party suppliers. Get swift and continuous insights into your attack surface and communicate this information with ease, directly to key resources in your organisation.

Understand how you and your third-party suppliers stack up against peers and assess how quickly new suppliers can be validated from a cybersecurity maturity perspective.

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Get a Personalised Demo

Replicate results. Not work.

Get a personalised demo to gain visibility into your cyber risk score, along with that of up to three of your chosen third-party suppliers. Get swift and continuous insights into your attack surface and communicate this information with ease, directly to key resources in your organisation.

Understand how you and your third-party suppliers stack up against peers and assess how quickly new suppliers can be validated from a cybersecurity maturity perspective.

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What you gain from our free demo

✔️ Discover security vulnerabilities in real-time to control the impact and likelihood of data breaches with our third-party cybersecurity risk assessments

✔️ Access cutting-edge vendor security assessments and cybersecurity reports that highlight areas of risk

✔️ Minimise your cyber risk by staying up to date with your security ratings and supplier ecosystem

✔️ Assess your compliance against well-known security standards like NIST, ISO 27001 or even GDPR’s technical controls

      What you gain from our free demo

      ✔️ Minimise your cyber risk by staying up to date with your security ratings and supplier ecosystem

      ✔️ Access cutting-edge vendor security assessments and cybersecurity reports that highlight areas of risk

      ✔️ Discover security vulnerabilities in real-time to control the impact and likelihood of data breaches with our third-party cybersecurity risk assessments

      ✔️ Assess your compliance against well-known security standards like NIST, ISO 27001 or even GDPR’s technical controls

        How our free demo can help

        • Security Ratings - Use our risk-rating solution to get a holistic view of your cybersecurity.

        • Discover - Quickly discover vulnerabilities and software bugs in your infrastructure.

        • Extend - Expand cybersecurity to include vendor-risk management and remote devices.

        • Access - Access valuable cybersecurity data and report in a UX-friendly framework.
        • How our free demo can helpg

          • Security Ratings - Use our risk-rating solution to get a holistic view of your cybersecurity.

          • Discover - Quickly discover vulnerabilities and software bugs in your infrastructure.

          • Extend - Expand cybersecurity to include vendor-risk management and remote devices.

          • Access - Access valuable cybersecurity data and report in a UX-friendly framework.

          Leverage continuous attack surface and third-party risk management


          Wish to learn more about securing your supply chain?

          Download our FREE whitepaper to gain expert insight into the combatting cyber risks in your digital ecosystem.
          Download now

          Just a few of the brands on the RiskXchange platform:

          1 4 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
          3 4 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
          2 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
          4 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
          Slide 2
          6 1 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
          5 1 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
          7 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
          9 1 1 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
          Slide 2
          8 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
          10 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
          11 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
          2 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
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