360° Data Driven Security Ratings

Gain a 360-degree risk rated view of your security posture and that of your vendors, allowing you to take preventative action. 


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360° Data Driven Security Ratings

Gain a 360-degree risk rated view of your security posture and that of your vendors, allowing you to take preventative action. 


Some of the brands currently with RiskXchange

1 4 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
3 4 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
2 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
4 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
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6 1 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
5 1 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
7 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
9 1 1 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
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8 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
10 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
11 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
2 RiskXchange The leader in Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
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Key benefits of security risk rating

At RiskXchange, we use a range of public and private cyber and business intelligence systems to provide you with all the tools you need to minimise data breaches and meet compliance requirements.

Our solution lets you:

At RiskXchange, we give you a 360-degree view of your cybersecurity posture. An integral part of this process is calculating your cyber risk score and is based on:
  • Identify cyber risk across third-party and fourth-party ecosystems by analysing all vendors in your supply chain, including supporting tech ecosystems.

  • Benefit from actionable security intelligence that your technical teams can use to resolve root causes as fast as possible and create a more secure vendor infrastructure

  • Produce executive-level reports so your management and technical teams can understand vendor security.

  • Use the solution to prioritise risk by potential impact within organisational teams and departments to efficiently mitigate risks.

  • Get automated alerts informing you of misconfiguration issues, security vulnerabilities, cybersquatting, and leaked credentials.

How our free demo can helpg

  • Security Ratings - Use our risk-rating solution to get a holistic view of your cybersecurity.

  • Discover - Quickly discover vulnerabilities and software bugs in your infrastructure.

  • Extend - Expand cybersecurity to include vendor-risk management and remote devices.

  • Access - Access valuable cybersecurity data and report in a UX-friendly framework.

How our risk rating solution improves security

Riskxchange security lifecycle

RiskXchange is the only 360-degree risk-rating platform that conducts a comprehensive, real-time risk analysis to determine cyber risk and security posture.

Use our security ratings to improve security standards, augment your onboarding process, prevent third-party breaches, and maximise vendor security ROI.

Sign up to get your FREE risk rating and a personalised demo.

Get my free vendor risk score

Want to improve supply chain security?

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