Top Data Privacy Tips For Online Safety

Top data privacy tips

In today’s fast-paced and increasingly competitive business landscape, digital innovation isn’t just desirable if an organisation wants to thrive – it’s essential for it to survive. Fortunately, between modern software development practices, such as low-code and no-code, and cloud-based applications and services (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS), digital innovation is easier than ever.  However, more digital solutions mean more digitised data, and … Read More

What is mobile malware? 

What is mobile malware? 

Mobile malware is designed to target mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, with the aim of accessing private data. Mobile malware is a growing threat to organisations of any size because many businesses now allow their employees to access corporate networks using their own devices. Not only does this increase the potential for bringing unknown threats into the company … Read More

How to Maintain Data Integrity in Your Organisation? 

How to maintain data integrity in your organization

Business decisions in organisations of all sizes are increasingly being made based on data. Data is created and collected across many different layers of operations. The data extracted is used to streamline operations, better understand the market, and generate metrics to determine performance. With the increased focus placed upon data to maintain business operations today, it is crucial that the … Read More

7 Advantages of DSPM for Data Security

7 advantages of DSPM for data security

Although cloud computing has revolutionised a company’s ability to share data, to account for an increasingly mobile and distributed workforce, cloud environments also complicate its ability to secure sensitive data.   The exponentially increasing volume of data – and datasets being frequently duplicated across multiple cloud-based platforms, applications, and services – mean that most cloud security solutions struggle to keep up … Read More

What is Anti Malware?

What is Anti Malware

Whether viruses, Trojan horses, ransomware, or rootkits, malware is one of the most common and frequent cyber threats companies face. So much so, in fact, that there were an unbelievable 5.5 billion malware attacks worldwide in 2022. Moreover, ransomware, a single variety of malware, cost companies $4.54 million, on average, in 2022.   Consequently, organisations need to take their malware mitigation … Read More

What Is the CIA Triad Security Model?

What Is the CIA Triad Security Model

While a company’s information security controls and policies aim to keep its sensitive data secure, what does that mean in practice? Or, put another way, how can security teams determine whether the information and assets under their purview are actually secure?   Confidentiality, integrity and availability, collectively known as the CIA triad, is a model designed to guide a company’s information … Read More

What is integrity in cyber security?

integrity in cyber security

Integrity in cyber security is one of the key components of the CIA triad of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Every security control and vulnerability can be viewed in relation to one or more of the three concepts. In order for a security program to be deemed comprehensive and complete, it must address all three components of the CIA triad. More on … Read More

What is network segmentation?

What is network segmentation

Network segmentation is an architectural approach that divides a network into smaller, distinct sub-networks – or subnets. This allows a company to compartmentalise different areas in its network for increased security and improved performance.  Let’s take a look at network segmentation and how you can use it to make your IT infrastructure more secure. How does network segmentation work?  Network … Read More

What are information security standards? 

What are information security standards

An information security standard is a series of documented processes that define how to implement, manage, and monitor various security controls. As well as providing a blueprint for mitigating risk and reducing vulnerabilities, cybersecurity standards and cybersecurity frameworks typically detail the necessary steps for achieving regulatory compliance.     Let’s look at information security standards, why they’re important, and the consequences of failing … Read More